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I had read a few of Ta-Nehisi’s Guns don’t kill people clintons do shirt . Articles during the Obama years, and I think I just didn’t really understand quite what was happening back then, in terms of the fallout from Obama and the existing racism in our country. I think reading all of these articles together, from that perspective, just filled a lot of gaps for me—it felt like it really made sense and answered a lot of questions. I found it super educational at a time when I was definitely expanding my views and understanding more about racial inequality and race relations and police brutality in this country. Plus, Ta-Nehisi is just such an incredible writer. This has been a really influential book for me.”
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In the petition filed by Jamie Spears on September 7, his daughter’s ongoing requests were acknowledged Guns don’t kill people clintons do shirt . “Ms. Spears has told this Court that she wants control of her life back without the safety rails of a conservatorship,” wrote Thoreen. “She wants to be able to make decisions regarding her own medical care, deciding when, where and how often to get therapy. She wants to control the money she has made from her career and spend it without supervision or oversight. She wants to be able to get married and have a baby, if she so chooses. In short, she wants to live her life as she chooses without the constraints of a conservator or court proceeding.” Jamie Spears also suggested in his filing that the judge could order the end to the conservatorship without a psychiatric evaluation on his daughter, something the star has previously said she refuses to undergo. Thoreen said the petition came after Spears has “demonstrated a level of independence” — like driving, which she was previously unable to do under the conservatorship, and appointing a lawyer of her own choosing. Spears’s ability to make these decisions on her own suggests that a conservatorship may no longer be required, Thoreen wrote. After being given the permission to choose her own lawyer in July, Spears appointed former federal prosecutor Mathew Rosengart, who said he would be moving “aggressively” to end the conservatorship.